Download MobaXterm
After downloading MobaXterm, extract and open it. Then, select Session.
In the Session settings interface, choose SSH.
In the Session settings interface, fill in the following details:
.Once the connection is successful:
Note: You have two options to connect to EC2.
To connect to an EC2 VM running Linux, you can use PuTTY on Windows. Follow these steps:
Download PuTTY tools from the following links and save them to the same path where you downloaded the EC2 key pair:
Connect to Amazon Linux 2 using PuTTY:
Choose kp-linux.pem as the private key file for the Amazon Linux 2 instance.
After successfully importing the key, save the private key after generation.
Name the key file kp-linux and select Save.
Go back to the EC2 interface, select the Linux-instance, and copy the Public IPv4 address.
Use putty.exe to connect to the Amazon Linux 2 instance via port 22:
Choose SSH:
Select Accept to connect:
After connecting, authenticate by entering ec2-user
as the log in:
Complete the connection to the Amazon Linux 2 instance:
Check the connection by entering ping -c5