Create Amazon Linux 2 instances

Create Amazon Linux 2 instances

  1. Go to AWS Management Console

    • Find EC2
    • Select EC2
    • Select Instances
    • Select Launch instances

    Create VPC for Linux instance

  2. Name: enter Linux-instance

    Create VPC for Linux instance

  3. In the AMI selection step

    • Select Quick Start
    • Select Amazon Linux
    • AMI: select Amazon Linux 2 AMI

    Create VPC for Linux instance

  4. Select Instance type and select Create new key pair

    Create VPC for Linux instance

  5. In the Create key pair interface

    • Key pair name: enter kp-linux
    • Key pair type: select RSA
    • Private key file format: select .pem
    • Select Create key pair

    Create VPC for Linux instance

  6. Next, we do the network configuration for the instance

    • Select Edit

    Create VPC for Linux instance

  7. In the Network settings interface, we configure the network for the instance as follows:

    • VPC: select Linux-vpc
    • Subnet: select public subnet
    • Auto-assign public IP: select Enable
    • Firewall (security groups): select Select existing security group
    • Common security groups: select Linux-SG

    Create VPC for Linux instance

  8. Check again and select Launch instance

    Create VPC for Linux instance

  9. Complete instance initialization. And proceed to view instance details by selecting View all instances

    Create VPC for Linux instance

  10. Wait about 5 minutes after initialization, Status check changes to 2/2 check passed and the instance status is Running

Create VPC for Linux instance

Create VPC for Linux instance