Clean up resources

Clean Up Resources

Terminate Instance

  1. Access the EC2 dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Instances.
  3. Choose the instances associated with the lab.
  4. Click on Instance state.
  5. Select Terminate instance.

Clean Up Resource

Delete AMI

  1. Access the EC2 dashboard.
  2. Go to AMIs.
  3. Click on Actions.
  4. Choose Deregister AMI.

Clean Up Resource

Delete Snapshots

  1. Access the EC2 dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Snapshots.
  3. Select the snapshots associated with the lab.
  4. Click on Actions.
  5. Choose Delete snapshot.

Clean Up Resource

Delete Security Group

  1. Access the EC2 dashboard.
  2. Go to Security Groups.
  3. Choose the security groups associated with the lab.
  4. Click on Actions.
  5. Select Delete security group.

Clean Up Resource

Remove Keypair

  1. Access the EC2 dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Key Pairs.
  3. Click on Actions.
  4. Select Delete.

Clean Up Resource

Remove VPC

  1. Access the VPC dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Your VPCs.
  3. Choose the VPC associated with the lab.
  4. Click on Actions.
  5. Select Delete VPC.

Clean Up Resource