Launch an Instance from a Custom AMI

Launch an Instance from a Custom AMI

A Key Pair is used to encrypt and decrypt credentials for the EC2 virtual server. In case of losing the key pair, follow these steps to assign a new one.

  1. In the EC2 interface:

    • Select AMIs
    • Choose the recently created Custom Windows AMI from the Microsoft Windows Server 2022 instance
    • Click Launch instance from AMI

    Create VPC for Linux Instance

  2. Name: Enter Windows Server AMI

    Create VPC for Linux Instance

  3. In the AMI selector:

    • Select AMI from catalog

    Create VPC for Linux Instance

  4. Next, select Instance type and choose Create new key pair

    Create VPC for Linux Instance

  5. In the Create key pair interface:

    • Key pair name: Enter kp-windows2
    • Private key file format: Select .pem
    • Click Create key pair

    Create VPC for Linux Instance

  6. Now, configure the network for the new instance. Under Network settings, select Edit and then:

    • VPC: Choose Windows-vpc
    • Subnet: Choose public subnet
    • Auto-assign public IP: Choose Enable
    • Firewall (security group): Choose Select existing security group
    • Common security groups: Choose Windows-SG

    Create VPC for Linux Instance

  7. Double-check the settings and click Launch instance

    Create VPC for Linux Instance

  8. Finish creating the new instance, then click View all instances to see details about the instance

    Create VPC for Linux Instance

  9. Wait approximately 5 minutes after initialization for the Status check to change to 2/2 checks passed

    Create VPC for Linux Instance